So, how can we help?

If you’re wondering what exactly naturopathy can help with, below is a list of example conditions that we work with on a daily basis, we are trained to work with most if not all types of conditions!

Nervous system

Mental health, sleep, stress.

Digestive system

Bloating, constipation, diarrhoea.

Reproductive system

Menstrual cycle, fertility, PCOS/Endometriosis.

Respiratory system

Asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough.

Endocrine system

Adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes.

Integumentary system

Acne, psoriasis, eczema.

Lymphatic system

Swollen lymph nodes, oedema, swelling post injury.

Circulatory system

High/low blood pressure, stroke, poor blood flow.

Urinary system

UTI’s, kidney infections, incontinence.

Musculoskeletal system,

Muscle pain, injury rehab, rheumatoid arthritis.

Immune system

Common cold, tonsillitis, recurrent sickness.

Cardiovascular system

CVD, high cholesterol, healthy BMI.

Prevention is better than cure
— Desiderius Erasmus

Initial Naturopathy Consultation

  • During the 60 minute initial consultation we will delve into a full case history of your presenting complaint. We will go over a diet history, all of your relevant body systems, family history as well as a personal medical history to understand what the root cause may be. We will also go over your goals and intentions, what you would like from me as a practitioner and how we can best work together to achieve optimal results. After this we will come up with a treatment plan together that is suited specifically to your needs. Any supplementation or herbal formulas will be made up and dispensed during this time. With all initial consultations I offer an in house iridology assessment to help gain a better understanding of what may be causing your presenting complaint. You will leave feeling empowered, motivated and equipped with the tools to begin your journey to health.

Follow Up Naturopathy Consultation

  • During the 30-45 minute follow up consultation, returning clients will have the opportunity to express how they went with the treatment plan that was prescribed at our initial consultation. This time will be used to fine tune/adjust the treatment plan if needed and go over any pathology or functional testing that was ordered. A new and adjusted treatment plan will then be prescribed during this time and any refills or new supplements/herbal formulas will be made up.

Acute Naturopathy Consultation

  • This consultation will address any acute issues that clients may be experiencing and is 20 minutes in duration. This consult option is great for acute colds, coughs, stress management and any other non complex presentations,. Any herbal tonic/supplement changes or pathology/functional testing interpretation needs to be booked under the follow up consultation tab.


Monday 9:30am - 5:00pm

Tuesday 9:30am - 5:00pm

Wednesday 7:00am - 7:00pm (Vaucluse only).

Thursday 4:00pm - 8:00pm


Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm


I have a few more spaces for new clients!

Please click ‘BOOK NOW’ to secure your spot.

* If the available booking times are not suitable please feel free to get in contact and we can arrange a time that suits*